Used Vehicles in inventory for sale at Mercedes-Benz Barrie.

We are currently updating our inventory. Please check back soon!

* While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Please verify any information in question with a sales representative. Information being displayed may not match the exact vehicle being displayed.

* * Advertised price includes Registration fees and $12.50 OMVIC fee. HST and licencing extra.

Drive in style.

When you want a pre-owned vehicle that won’t let you down and that offers an impressive level of reliability, luxury, and comfort every time, Mercedes-Benz Barrie is your one-stop shop. At Mercedes-Benz Barrie, you'll be treated to the very best in pre-owned cars and sport utility vehicles of the highest quality.

Our team of sales representatives will make sure they exceed your expectations at every visit. At Mercedes-Benz Barrie, customer service is our greatest source of pride. We believe that purchasing a pre-owned vehicle is an experience that shouldn’t be rushed. It’s therefore important to offer a level of service equivalent to what you’d find when buying a new vehicle. This is what you'll find at Mercedes-Benz Barrie.

Quality comes first and foremost at Mercedes-Benz Barrie.

At Mercedes-Benz Barrie, we take pride in the quality of our pre-owned vehicles. We take the time to make sure that all the models we put on sale meet our stringent criteria, in terms of their quality and reliability.

We have an extensive inventory of pre-owned vehicles to offer our customers at Mercedes-Benz Barrie. No matter what type of vehicle you’re looking for, you’ll find the model you need.

You get more at Mercedes-Benz Barrie.

Mercedes-Benz Barrie is a luxury dealership that offers a high-end experience. We believe that it’s important to offer more and surpass your expectations at every visit, so everything has been geared towards that goal.

With a Mercedes-Benz pre-owned vehicle, you’ll have a ride that will last you for years to come. Discover all of our pre-owned cars and SUVs today!