Mercedes-Benz Brake Pads

Brake Pads

What do they do?

Brake pads are the part that is compressed against the brake rotors in the wheel, which creates friction resulting in your vehicle slowing down to a stop.

Brake pads function because of the friction between the rotor and the pads. Brake pads need to be able to function without creating excessive noise, or vibrations, all while operating in the toughest conditions.

Why service them?

Brake pads are very important to replace and service regularly.

Brake pads wear down every time they are used. Depending on driving habits, conditions, and loads, brake pads wear out at different rates. Brake pads are also exposed to all road conditions, and can become corroded from moisture, salt, and debris on the road.

Regular service of the braking system components, and replacement of brake pads help to reduce premature or uneven wear.

When to service?

Brake service and replacement of components like brake pads should be performed regularly. Mercedes-Benz vehicles should have their brakes replaced according to the factory-recommended intervals.

If your brakes have reduced performance, are making abnormal noises, or causing vibrations, see Mercedes-Benz Barrie immediately.

Consult with your service advisor at Mercedes-Benz Barrie to have your brakes inspected and replaced according to the ideal schedule for your vehicle, or as needed.